Archaeologists, geologists, and other palaeoscientists use different systems for numbering years in the distant past. For example, the year 10,000 BCE is 11,950 Before Present or 11.95 ka. It is usually fine to store years as a plain numeric vector in R, but sometimes it helps to be explicit about which system is being used:
The era package helps in these cases by providing classes which define the ‘era’ associated with a vector of years and functions for formatting, combining, and transforming years with different eras. This vignette is an introduction to the main features of the package.
Vectors of years with an era are represented by the yr
) class, which is constructed with
yr(c(10000, 11000, 12000), "BP")
#> # BP years <yr[3]>:
#> [1] 10000 11000 12000
#> # Era: Before Present (BP): Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted backwards from 1950
The first argument is a numeric vector of years. These can be integers or doubles.
The second argument, era
, defines the numbering system
associated with the years. This is an object of class era
which defines the parameters of the calendar, epoch and
time scale. Most of the time, you can simply specify the abbreviated
label of the era, which will be looked up in the standard eras defined
by eras()
yr(c(10000, 11000, 12000), "BCE")
#> # BCE years <yr[3]>:
#> [1] 10000 11000 12000
#> # Era: Before Common Era (BCE): Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted backwards from 1
yr(c(10000, 11000, 12000), "uncal BP")
#> # uncal BP years <yr[3]>:
#> [1] 10000 11000 12000
#> # Era: uncalibrated Before Present (uncal BP): radiocarbon years (NA days), counted backwards from 1950
yr(c(10000, 11000, 12000), "ka")
#> # ka years <yr[3]>:
#> [1] 10000 11000 12000
#> # Era: kiloannum (ka): 1000 Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted backwards from 1950
returns details of the era associated with a
neolithic <- yr(11700:7500, "BP")
#> <era[1]>
#> [1] Before Present (BP): Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted backwards from 1950
, and its pipe-friendly alias
, can also be used to set the era of an
existing object:
chalcolithic <- 7500:6000
yr_era(chalcolithic) <- yr_era(neolithic)
#> <era[1]>
#> [1] Before Present (BP): Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted backwards from 1950
Note that this only updates the vector’s era attribute; it doesn’t
change the data itself. To convert years from one era to
another, you need to use the
vectors fit nicely into tables, both base data frames
and tibbles:
postglacial <- tribble(
~period, ~start_ka,
"Late Holocene", 4.2,
"Mid Holocene", 8.326,
"Early Holocene", 11.7,
"Younger Dryas", 12.9,
"Bølling-Allerød", 14.7,
"Heinrich 1", 17.0
postglacial |>
mutate(start_ka = yr(start_ka, "ka"))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#> period start_ka
#> <chr> <yr>
#> 1 Late Holocene 4.2 ka
#> 2 Mid Holocene 8.326 ka
#> 3 Early Holocene 11.7 ka
#> 4 Younger Dryas 12.9 ka
#> 5 Bølling-Allerød 14.7 ka
#> 6 Heinrich 1 17 ka
era includes built-in definitions of many time scales and year
numbering systems from contemporary and historic calendars.
returns the full list of
built-in definitions. You can use any definition in this list by passing
its abbreviated label
to era()
or as the
argument of yr()
or any other function in
the package:
#> <era[1]>
#> [1] Before Present (BP): Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted backwards from 1950
yr(10000, "BP")
#> # BP years <yr[1]>:
#> [1] 10000
#> # Era: Before Present (BP): Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted backwards from 1950
yr_transform(yr(10000, "BP"), "BCE")
#> # BCE years <yr[1]>:
#> [1] 8051
#> # Era: Before Common Era (BCE): Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted backwards from 1
If you need to use a time scale that is not in this list, you can define it yourself with
. Suggestions for new eras to include in the package
are also welcome; please create an issue on
GitHub with suggestions.
label | epoch | name | unit | scale | direction | this_year |
BP | 1950.0000 | Before Present | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+00 | -1 | -75 |
cal BP | 1950.0000 | Before Present | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+00 | -1 | -75 |
BC | 1.0000 | Before Christ | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+00 | -1 | -2024 |
BCE | 1.0000 | Before Common Era | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+00 | -1 | -2024 |
AD | 0.0000 | Anno Domini | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+00 | 1 | 2025 |
CE | 0.0000 | Common Era | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+00 | 1 | 2025 |
a | 1950.0000 | annum | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+00 | -1 | -75 |
ka | 1950.0000 | kiloannum | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+03 | -1 | 0 |
Ma | 1950.0000 | megaannum | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+06 | -1 | 0 |
Ga | 1950.0000 | gigaannum | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+09 | -1 | 0 |
kya | 1950.0000 | thousand years ago | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+03 | -1 | 0 |
mya | 1950.0000 | million years ago | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+06 | -1 | 0 |
bya | 1950.0000 | billion years ago | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+09 | -1 | 0 |
b2k | 2000.0000 | years before 2000 | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+00 | -1 | -25 |
uncal BP | 1950.0000 | uncalibrated Before Present | radiocarbon years (NA days) | 1e+00 | -1 | NA |
RCYBP | 1950.0000 | Radiocarbon Years Before Present | radiocarbon years (NA days) | 1e+00 | -1 | NA |
bp | 1950.0000 | Before Present (uncalibrated) | radiocarbon years (NA days) | 1e+00 | -1 | NA |
bc | 1950.0000 | Before Christ (uncalibrated) | radiocarbon years (NA days) | 1e+00 | -1 | NA |
bce | 1950.0000 | Before Common Era (uncalibrated) | radiocarbon years (NA days) | 1e+00 | -1 | NA |
ad | 1950.0000 | Anno Domini (uncalibrated) | radiocarbon years (NA days) | 1e+00 | 1 | NA |
ce | 1950.0000 | Common Era (uncalibrated) | radiocarbon years (NA days) | 1e+00 | 1 | NA |
AD O.S. | 0.0000 | Anno Domini (Old Style) | Julian years (365.25 days) | 1e+00 | 1 | 2025 |
BC O.S. | 1.0000 | Before Christ (New Style) | Julian years (365.25 days) | 1e+00 | 1 | 2024 |
H | 621.5366 | Hijra | Islamic lunar years (354.36708 days) | 1e+00 | 1 | 1446 |
AH | 621.5366 | Anno Hegirae | Islamic lunar years (354.36708 days) | 1e+00 | 1 | 1446 |
BH | 622.5366 | Before the Hijra | Islamic lunar years (354.36708 days) | 1e+00 | -1 | -1445 |
SH | 621.2190 | Solar Hijri | Nowruz years (365.2424 days) | 1e+00 | 1 | 1403 |
BSH | 622.2190 | Before Solar Hijri | Nowruz years (365.2424 days) | 1e+00 | -1 | -1402 |
AM | -3760.2361 | Anno Mundi | Hebrew lunisolar years (365.246822205978 days) | 1e+00 | 1 | 5785 |
HE | -10000.0000 | Holocene Era | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+00 | 1 | 12025 |
BHE | -10000.0000 | Before Holocene Era | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+00 | -1 | -12025 |
AL | -4000.0000 | Anno Lucis | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+00 | 1 | 6025 |
ADA | -8000.0000 | After the Development of Agriculture | Gregorian years (365.2425 days) | 1e+00 | 1 | 10025 |
Eras are defined by the era
class with the following
) or backwards (-1
) from the epochThese parameters are passed to era()
to construct an
object. epoch
, unit
, and direction
determine the
transformation between eras; label
and name
are purely descriptive.
You can define arbitrary eras by using the era()
function directly:
era("T.A.", epoch = -9021, name = "Third Age", direction = 1)
#> <era[1]>
#> [1] Third Age (T.A.): Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted forwards from -9021
As long as all the parameters are specified correctly, user-defined
eras can also be used in yr_transform()
Use yr_transform()
to convert between eras:
postglacial |>
mutate(start_ka = yr(start_ka, "ka")) |>
mutate(start_bp = yr_transform(start_ka, era("BP")),
start_bce = yr_transform(start_ka, era("BCE")))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#> period start_ka start_bp start_bce
#> <chr> <yr> <yr> <yr>
#> 1 Late Holocene 4.2 ka 4200 BP 2251 BCE
#> 2 Mid Holocene 8.326 ka 8326 BP 6377 BCE
#> 3 Early Holocene 11.7 ka 11700 BP 9751 BCE
#> 4 Younger Dryas 12.9 ka 12900 BP 10951 BCE
#> 5 Bølling-Allerød 14.7 ka 14700 BP 12751 BCE
#> 6 Heinrich 1 17 ka 17000 BP 15051 BCE
This function implements a generic algorithm for transforming years
based on the era parameters described above. This means that, with a few
exceptions (see invalid transformations,
you can transform between any two eras that can be described by the
By default, era transformations are exact:
yr(500000, "BCE") |>
#> # ka years <yr[1]>:
#> [1] 501.949
#> # Era: kiloannum (ka): 1000 Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted backwards from 1950
Often, this precision is not necessary. For example, when converting
years between calendar- and present-based eras, the 75 year difference
between the formal definition of “Present” and the actual present is
rarely significant on a geologic time scale. Use the
argument of yr_transform
to get
rounded results:
yr(10000, "BP") |>
yr_transform(era("BCE"), precision = 1000)
#> # BCE years <yr[1]>:
#> [1] 8000
#> # Era: Before Common Era (BCE): Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted backwards from 1
yr(500000, "BCE") |>
yr_transform(era("mya"), precision = 0.1)
#> # mya years <yr[1]>:
#> [1] 0.5
#> # Era: million years ago (mya): 1000000 Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted backwards from 1950
Some transformations are not possible. Notably, the length of a
‘radiocarbon year’ is not well defined on a calendar time scale without
Eras that use non-calendar year unit are represented with an
and will cause an error if passed to
era_unit(era("uncal BP"))
#> <era_year[1]>
#> [1] radiocarbon years (NA days)
yr_transform(yr(9000, "uncal BP"), era("cal BP"))
#> Error in `yr_transform()`:
#> ! Cannot transform uncalibrated Before Present to Before Present years:
#> ✖ Calendar length of a radiocarbon year is undefined.
from the stratigraphr package
implements radiocarbon calibration with yr
Conversion between eras that both have an NA
unit are
also an error, following the R convention that NA == NA
. In other words, we don’t know whether two non-calendar
units are the same non-calendar unit. This means that it is not
possible to use yr_transform()
to convert bp (radiocarbon
years Before Present) to bce (radiocarbon years before the Common Era)
years, for example.
The yr
class is based on vctrs, ensuring type- and
size-stable computations. For example, you can do arithmetic with year
a <- yr(1500, "CE")
b <- yr(2020, "CE")
b - a
#> # CE years <yr[1]>:
#> [1] 520
#> # Era: Common Era (CE): Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted forwards from 0
But only when they have the same era:
c <- yr(0.5, "ka")
b - c
#> Error in `vec_cast.era_yr.era_yr()`:
#> ! Can't convert `y` <yr (ka)> to <yr (CE)>.
#> Reconcile eras with yr_transform() first.
Note that, when comparing eras, only the parameters significant to
the transformation are considered (i.e. not label
). This means that it is possible to combine year
vectors with differently-named but functionally equivalent eras, for
example era("BP")
and era("cal BP")
, although
doing so will print a warning about the loss of information:
era("BP") == era("BC")
#> [1] FALSE
era("BP") == era("cal BP")
#> [1] TRUE
yr(1000, "BP") + yr(1000, "cal BP")
#> Warning: eras have different label or name parameters.
#> # BP years <yr[1]>:
#> [1] 2000
#> # Era: Before Present (BP): Gregorian years (365.2425 days), counted backwards from 1950
Years will be coerced to a plain numeric vector if a computation means their era no longer makes sense: